I am back in Nova Scotia and I have just completed my first day of our seminar week. It's an odd feeling being back. Everyone's life continued while I was gone, so it doesn't really feel like I left...maybe it was all a dream?
The four students who went to Nunavut (Tracey, Jennifer, Mandy and me) have to present our trip to our classes on Thursday. We have 30 minutes to sum up our one month experience. It's impossible to explain our trip because you really had to be there. I'm glad I kept a blog because it has kept all my memories fresh. I may consider writing one on all my teaching experiences. I would have to do it under a secret name, but I think it's a great idea. I could be like Bridget Jones - or like that movie Julia and Julia. If I ever do this I'll make sure to send you the link.
Since I will no longer be using this, I would like to thank you for following me while I was away. It was extremely heart warming to see the number of views. It was nice to see that so many of you care. I hope you enjoyed my blog and liked reading about my adventures.
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